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Nice Weather, Good Luck Studying « Expect the Exceptional

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Nice Weather, Good Luck Studying

The first truly beautiful day of the year came today, just three days after the biggest snowstorm of the year. Some blame global warming, I just call it luck. Out on the quad between ANW and DMC, two dorm buildings by the gym, students were strewn about with laptops, with laptops and blankets; some tanning, some studying…most tanning. You can’t pass up a beautiful Saturday afternoon in early March.

One fun thing to do at McDaniel when the weather gets nice is run a trail around the golf course. It’s beautiful, the grass smells nice and is a nice soft landing for your knees, and there are plenty of hills. You also cannot overlook the fact that one lap around the course is one mile. In the springtime you can see plenty of students using this trail to get in shape and get outside.

Others who are more desperate to get outside, but can’t take a break from their homework take advantage of the courtyard outside of the library. It provides a nice, quiet study place while still allowing students to enjoy a nice day. There’s also a statue that some have nicknamed “The Pissing Rock” because of the slow trickle of the fountain that is reminiscent of…you guessed it. Anyways it provides a nice tranquil feel to the courtyard and makes it one of the most popular study spots on campus.

Personally, I took a jog on the golf course, worked out in the gym, then tried my luck getting homework done while lounging out on the quad. I was unsuccessful and ended up playing pick up soccer with some of my friends. Either Way, this week has come with a few crazy weather trends and while they haven’t been the most conducive to studying they were certainly great for hanging out and enjoying good company.

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