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A Pi Day fit for an English major « Expect the Exceptional

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A Pi Day fit for an English major

I’ve always seen Pi Day as a day that makes math accessible to everyone. It’s a day for people to make pi-based puns and jokes, eat pie, and perhaps even learn about some of the math that has to do with it. (If you happen to be someone who does want to learn something about pi, check out this video.) I made sure I stopped by the math department this afternoon to get a tasty slice of pie to celebrate and chat with some friends who are math majors.

While Pi Day is most certainly a day to celebrate math, my boss Josh, the director of McDaniel’s writing center, decided to add an English major sort of twist to it by hosting a a get-together  he called Pi and Pie on Pi (Day). He invited all of the current writing tutors and tutors in training to his house for an evening of tacos, homemade ice cream, games, and of course, pie. He also screened Life of Pi for those who were able to stay.

The evening was so fun and delicious! We played Mennonite Madness, a very simple and super competitive game, and Whisper Down the Lane Pictionary, which was hilarious. The homemade food was delicious, especially the chocolate mocha Oreo ice cream. If I hadn’t had so much homework waiting for me back on campus, I would have stayed to watch the movie too.

I had a great time and I had fun getting to know my fellow writing tutors some more. We have a group of intelligent, friendly, and funny people who currently work and will be working in the Writing Center, so when you’re a student on the Hill, be sure to schedule appointments with us to get some awesome feedback on your papers and other writings!

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