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Tennis Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Tennis Time

As you have figured out from recent blog posts, it is currently spring break for McDaniel students. Students are visiting other countries, staying at home, or relaxing on a beach in Florida with friends. My spring break was all about tennis!

The men’s and women’s tennis teams had the awesome opportunity to travel to Hilton Head, South Carolina to compete in a week long tennis tournament. Despite the 12 hour van ride to get to Hilton Head that began at 4:30AM, the trip was a great time. Every day was centered around tennis whether it be practicing twice a day or competing in matches. The teams we played were from all over the country and had players from all over the world (quite a few from South America that were top ranked in their countries). That said, McDaniel had quite the competition, but this experience was necessary to prepare us for our conference matches.

Everyone appreciated the warmer weather immensely and welcomed sun burns with a smile; however, there was a lot of rain in the mornings which made for a fun time squeegeeing tennis courts for hours… The trip was a little bit of a tease since we did not actually get to spend any time at the beach, but we were just happy with shorts and sandals weather.

The best part about the trip was the team bonding. Spending every minute of your day with the same people for an entire week is a great way to build team camaraderie. Cheering each other on during matches and creating personalized chants like “BILLUPS!!” really brought the team together. This is thanks to our new coach, Bob Dietrich. He gives the team an incredible amount of energy that will definitely help us get some important victories this season.

Our first conference match is tomorrow at Washington so we will hopefully see the results of training intensely all week long. Let’s go McDaniel Tennis!

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