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What to do on a snow day? « Expect the Exceptional

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What to do on a snow day?

There are two routes one can take when deciding what to do with a snow day. This is the second snow day given this year, but the first one with enough snow to have all the snow day options. In past years snow has cancelled an entire week of class. Snow days are one thing that does not have to end in college. So what are the two options? Indoor day or outdoor day.

I am a fan of indoor day. One can catch up on sleep, homework, reading, really anything. It is also the perfect time to make a cup of hot chocolate and look out the window. Usually outside I see the types of people who are having what I would call an outdoor snow day.

At McDaniel a snow day outdoors can be fun. Not only is there plenty of space for building snowmen and snow forts, but we have a golf course that has great hills for sledding. It is not unusual to see people trudging past, wet from sledding and running about in the storm. From my window I enjoy watching people having a good time with my steaming mugs of cocoa and tea.

If it sounds pretty much like a snow day at home, that’s because it is. Only instead of being snowed in with your family, it’s with all of your friends! Definitely not a bad way to come back from spring break.

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