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S’mores! « Expect the Exceptional

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Yes, the first day of classes after spring break was a snow day! For this reason, I got a lot of curious looks from strangers at the grocery store as I was stocking up on graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars. The lady waiting behind me in line decided to scream, “S’MORES?!” She must have been thinking that I was crazy for purchasing all the ingredients for the ultimate summer cookout on a snowy day. Little did she know that McDaniel has an indoor fireplace that can be used for s’mores anytime of the year!

The purpose of the event: Alpha Lambda Delta First Year Honor Society social! ALD is an honor society that inducts sophomores each year who have performed exceedingly well during their freshman year at McDaniel. It is a great honor that is respected as a privilege and not a right. ALD members are required to attend one social event and one service event each semester. The s’mores social event tonight had been planned for a while, but the cold weather this week really made it a successful event – a great way to warm up by the fireplace, eat tasty snacks, and socialize with friends.

ALD has a variety of other events throughout the year which all include free food and drinks – the best perk of being in the club. Pizza and a movie is always a popular event. The most recent movie night featured Disney’s Tangled (there were a lot of laughs). I think the most notorious event is handing out candy to students who are studying in the library during finals week to encourage them to keep up the good work! The newest tradition takes place at the end of the spring semester for the seniors and involves passing down the “torch.” The three must have party snacks at this event – sparkling cider, cheese and crackers, and popsicles.

So if you want to take advantage of these opportunities when you get to McDaniel just work really hard during your freshman year and get those good grades. Then it is pizza, popsicles, and s’mores galore until you graduate!

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