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Get liberal artsy: experiment! « Expect the Exceptional

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Get liberal artsy: experiment!

It’s easy to slip into a routine here, with our classes and work and practice schedules. Here’s some advice: try to avoid routine. If a new club forms mid-semester, go. If someone invites you to see a speaker on a topic you know nothing about, go. If a class looks fascinating, take it, especially if it is outside of your major.

Today, our Student Government Association hosted a student involvement fair. Representatives from Greek organizations, clubs, and organizations like Relay for Life manned tables from 11-2, looking to recruit members and ready to answer questions from interested peers.

We typically have an involvement fair at the beginning of the school year, mostly for the benefit of freshman so that they can see what extra-curricular activities are available on campus. What I LOVED about today’s event was the inherent message that organizations are always open to new members and that it is never too late in the year to get involved.

Additionally, class listings for the 2013-2014 school year have been posted. Browsing courses is possibly one of my favorite hobbies; I take time to look at pretty much every subject area to check out interesting classes that are being offered outside of my disciplines. Like getting involved with clubs, taking classes outside of your area of study can be a great opportunity to meet new people and deepen your understanding of the world. This is part of the reason I like attending a liberal arts college: we are forced to experiment through the McDaniel Plan!

When choosing how to spend your time in college, never let yourself too comfortable. You are never too busy and never too involved to experience something outside of your comfort zone.

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