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Senior Seminar « Expect the Exceptional

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Senior Seminar

I have discussed this in earlier blog posts, but it’s time for me to really explain about senior seminar. It doesn’t help that it is all I can think about right now as I work on it every spare minute.

For each major on campus, you have a culminating capstone that demonstrates everything you have learned during your four years. Senior seminar is the capstone course for Communication majors. In this course, you complete an original research project. Everything from the topic to the presentation is determined by you with help from your professor.

It is important to pick a topic that both shows your wide base of communication knowledge but is also one that is doable for one semester. It also helps if you chose a topic that you can use in the future because it shows your abilities to a potential employer or graduate school.

Right now I have outlined by project, collected research, and have everything ready to begin data collection. Data collection for my study is interviews. Once I start to have data, everything will fall into place and it will be a matter of analyzing and using it to answer my research question.

The research paper is due at the end of April so it is almost crunch time. I have a paper to write and a presentation to plan that will be in front of the McDaniel community. I am really excited to be done and look back on all of my hard work.

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