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I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was still winter. (and a crazy tennis match) « Expect the Exceptional

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I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was still winter. (and a crazy tennis match)

Officially, Spring began on March 20th, 2013.

…I don’t think Maryland got that memo…

While the week before Spring Break had a few randomly gorgeous days, meaning the temperature was in the 50s, the past two weeks have been permanently stuck in the 40s. This is unacceptable. Quite frankly, it’s also been the talk of the campus- students and professors alike are all fed up with Winter and it’s coldness- which is making all of us act a little more frosty. The words, “I’m so ready for it to be warm” or just “It needs to stop being winter already” have frequented nearly every persons lips, and the last few days were no exception. In fact, one of the most bizarre weather days I have experienced was this past Wednesday at a tennis match…

One my Digital Photography assignments was to photograph a sporting event, a general exercise in getting good pictures while your targets are often in motion. This Monday happened to be a unexpected snow day with about four inches on the ground, which promptly all melted on Tuesday when temperatures just dipped their toes into the 50s. But the bipolar weather of Maryland was not done yet. The bad weather early in the week meant that most sports games and practices were cancelled (it’s rather difficult to hit a tennis ball with snow flying in your face and soaking those tennis-shoes). Which meant I was in a bit of a bind for completing my assignment by Thursday morning.

Luckily, I found out there was a Women’s Tennis match on Wednesday from some friends on the team! I knew some of the girls, and figured it wouldn’t be too creepy if I was taking pictures of them from all angles while they played. When I arrived after getting out of class, the clouds were magnificent. Big, somewhat menacing, with deep purples and blues they provided a great backdrop. But the best part was that it was still relative pleasant outside and the sun occasionally peeked out allowing me to snap some good photos while hanging out with the Men’s Team as they supported their female teammates. Then things got crazy. It was sunny, but some snow flurries started coming down…then stopped. Clouds covered the sun as the coach let another photography student and I onto the courts while teh matches were being played. A little more sun lit up the court.

I decided I had taken enough photos, and my fingers were absolutely freezing by this point, so I left the courts to go put my camera away. The wind suddenly picked up, thrashing tree branches and banging signs. The coach looked a bit worried. All of a sudden, it started snowing and sleeting, with wind blowing it in our faces. As I was done with my photos, I took this as my cue to leave, said my goodbyes and fairly sprinted away against the snow and wind to the Computer Graphics Lab to edit my photos. A slightly freaky change in the weather.

By the time I left, about 40mins later, sunshine was everywhere and the wind was nowhere to be found. The last time I experienced such fast-changing weather was in Scotland on the Isle of Skye! Let’s pull it together Maryland.

I’m ready for it to be warm now.

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