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Accomplishments « Expect the Exceptional

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It is amazing the feats that people accomplish here on campus. I am constantly surprised by what events people manage to pull off. This morning I came across one such surprise. I was walking to the library and stumbled upon a group of tables outside of the dining hall.

It is not rare to see tables outside of the dining hall. Usually on week days there are people selling things or promoting activities. This, however, was a Saturday. Because of that reason I did a double take. Especially because usually during the week there are a few tables, today there were ten crowded into a small space.

What was going on? A campus group had organized an anime convention. People were wandering around buying from different venders selling arts and crafts. Some were dressed in wild costumes, with rainbow colored hair and face paint. Overall it was a very startling sight to see while walking bleary eyed towards the library. It was also impressive. I was proud of my fellow students for being able to plan and put on such a large event, and I was able to stop and browse on my way to do homework.

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