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Just a Walk « Expect the Exceptional

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Just a Walk

There is nothing like spring for getting people out and about. Today I went on a beautiful walk around Westminster. It is easy to forget what a nice town it is when holed up for the winter. I also was able to see some parts of Westminster for the first time.

Not only did I see Westminster for the first time, I had another first. I talked to a stranger. Usually I don’t approach people, but while walking I came across a trunk. It was an average beat up trunk, but being a junk lover, I wanted to take it home immediately.

Instead of walking by and passing up the opportunity I actually walked to the door and knocked. Upon asking I discovered that:

1) Strangers can be friendly


2) I could, indeed, take possession of said trunk

Now I am a happy, tired, and expert Westminster walker. I am so glad that I took the opportunity to have an adventure, and a side adventure, and now I plan to decorate my trunk with bumper stickers and paint.

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