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2013 March « Expect the Exceptional

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A brief intro to the Gym…

One of the best things available to students at McDaniel? Gill. Gill is our lovely gym on campus (we probably have the Ravens to thank for that when they trained here), beautifully new and up-to-date. Best of all: it’s free!!

Now that I’m a senior, I’ve been realizing that this whole having a gym twenty […]

CEO Open House

McDaniel College has a wonderful office in the lower level of Decker College Center, McDaniel’s student center, called the Center for Experience and Opportunity, abbreviated to CEO. The CEO is not just a career services office–they also have tons of resources to help students and alumni find internships and volunteer opportunities.

This semester, the CEO […]

McDaniel Does Snowday

Today McDaniel students are all in hibernation mode since classes have been cancelled and snow has covered the campus in a pleasant, white, 3 inch blanket. All semester we have been waiting for a snowfall decent enough to cancel classes and now that it has finally happened the campus has fallen to an ironic hush. […]

Sledding! (what McDaniel students do when it snows)

In the flurry of excitement that the announcement, “The college will be closed today” caused, I knew what was coming. 6-10 inches they said! Well… what we actually got was more like 3-4 inches with rain at the end (never trust the weathermen…), but most importantly, we got a break from classes for the day! […]

For the Biology Lovers

Genomics. Not a very well known subject to many people and new to me. It’s a great course to have on my resume as a science major since it is so up-and-coming – glad McDaniel offers it! I will give you a brief summary about genomics and then explain why it is such a great […]