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2013 March « Expect the Exceptional

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A trip to Lancaster

It’s been a lovely spring break here at home for me, but when my mom had off from work yesterday, we decided that the day would best be spent taking a day trip together.

We decided to make the not-too-far trek to Lancaster County in Pennsylvania, just a little over an hour away from my […]

Spring Break: All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

One of the best parts of college is, of course, Spring Break. You’ve seen it portrayed in the movies, tv shows, and you’ve probably had a few great spring breaks of your own in high school, but in all honesty nothing can truly compare to the awesomeness of a well planned Spring Break combined […]

New York for Spring Break!

Finally Spring Break has arrived, just in time to save my sleep-deprived school self. And what better fun way to spend a few days of spring break than in NYC with a good friend? A great, cheap way to get up to New York is Megabus, with tickets from $1-26 for one direction to or […]

Spring Break is Here

So, we are officially on Spring Break although I am already back on campus for work at admissions. We finished a little early today so I had a lot of free time to get a jump on my homework and also to relax with friends. I also got my cosplay in the mail and made […]

Spring Break

So, yesterday began Spring Break and for a lot of people that meant cleaning and packing for a nice, relaxing 10 days at home. I am actually staying on campus for the break because I have some work to do for the Admission’s office, but I am still going to get a lot of time […]