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First Year Appreciation Week and Allies Week « Expect the Exceptional

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First Year Appreciation Week and Allies Week

So, this week is both first year appreciation week and allies week this week. For first year appreciation, they are doing a bunch of different events and also posted a bunch of different signs around campus. Today’s event was the Amazing Race. They had the option to win a bunch of prizes and just had a good time. Some of the other events are a recognition dinner, S’mores night, an open gym, an ice cream social, and pool night. They also have the amusing signs that change each day with different phrases to remind people that it first year appreciation week.

It is also Allies Week. They ask people to wear a different color each day to represent a different aspect of the LGBT community. They are also hosting a bunch of different events. Today’s event was Stomp out Homophobia. They covered Red Square in bubble wrap and literally people were able to come stomp on it, or just walk across it, during the day. It was a lot of fun and it was a good way to bring attention to allies week. Tomorrow night, they are hosting a drag show at 7:00. It should be interesting and I definitely plan on going in order to support some of my friends that are participating as cast or crew.

It should be interesting to see how the various events for the rest of the week go and I hope everyone has a lot of fun.


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