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Around the World in 80 Plates « Expect the Exceptional

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Around the World in 80 Plates

Traveling around the world in 80 days might be a challenge impossible to complete as a college student, but traveling the world in “80” plates did plenty justice. Tonight, in Red Square (the center of campus), students socialized and tasted delightful desserts from all over the world. It could not have been a more perfect evening to have this event outside since McDaniel finally received the long awaited spring weather yesterday.

The majority of the student body was hungry for any outdoor activity to attend instead of studying in the library or in their rooms. Athletes finishing up practices, fans from the baseball game, and students studying under the trees attended the event to appreciate a variety of cultural desserts. I know that I was pleased since they had my two favorites desserts which include Tres Leches from South America and Baklava from Europe. Other options at the event included peanut butter brownies from North America, warm bread pudding from Asia, and coconut cake from Australia to name a few.

While this event was unique it was not quite different from a lot of the events at McDaniel since it included free food! I think that it is no surprise that free food has become the most popular choice at McDaniel to entice students with to participate in events on campus. At least that is what I do to get people to come to my events. It has worked quite well 😉 It is a pretty simple formula: College students + Free food = Success.

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