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Getting to Know New Students « Expect the Exceptional

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Getting to Know New Students

Working for Admissions can be very demanding at this point in the year. Our Admitted Students Days (ASD) are the best ways for admitted students to get a feel for campus. Luckily, I get to be a part of it all. Working as a tour guide gives me the opportunity to meet a huge group of awesome students! Our first ASD was on Saturday and I saw many of the people I gave tours to in the last year.

One student I gave a tour to was signed up for ASD so I sent her an individual note and made sure to find her during the event. It was so nice to see so many smiling faces on campus! Everyone was so excited to explore the campus. I also saw my Jan Term professor on campus with his son doing the ASD information session.

Standing outside in the afternoon was great because I got to work for Admissions and get a tan all at the same time. Many families commented on the awesome sunglasses all the ambassadors were wearing (we have gold shirts we are required to wear so we have to set ourselves apart from the crowd somehow).

We have another ASD this coming weekend and it will be equally as fun and equally pretty on campus! I can’t wait to see more students putting in their deposits and becoming McDaniel students!

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