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So many things! « Expect the Exceptional

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So many things!

I’ve done and been to so many things over the past few days that I don’t know which ones to blog about! As a result, I’d like to share a lot of those things with you in the form of a list with some brief descriptions.


-I went to MAWCA, a writing center conference, where I learned some new things and bonded with my coworkers


-I finally gave my presentation on archetypes and alchemy in Harry Potter. The presentation was a success and my co-presenters and I had dinner at an Irish restaurant called Ryan’s Daughter afterward.


-Another week of class, but for the first time this year, truly gorgeous weather!

-Pinwheels! Rainbow pinwheels graced Red Square in order to promote student contributions to the Annual Fund. Private colleges such as McDaniel require contributions from alumni and other donors in order to make the cost of college more affordable for students.

-Allies Week began! Our campus gay-straight alliance, Allies, sponsors this week every year to voice support for LGBTQ issues. They host a lot of fun events throughout the week!


-My only class today was canceled so that the professor could meet individually with us to discuss our papers in progress.

-I spent two hours in the writing center, leading a tutoring session, discussing MAWCA and social media, and finding and photographing a new cover photo for the McDaniel Writing Center Facebook page. It was time well-spent!

-I took a walk around campus and took some pictures of the daffodils in bloom.

-An event called “Around the World in 80 Plates” took place in Red Square. I had fun tasting a number of the worldly desserts served!

-I registered for classes for next semester! I’m taking classes in rhetoric, writing, literature, and German cinema. I even snagged a spot in a yoga class!

-I went to “McDaniel’s First Time,” the first drag show ever held on campus. Being at a drag show was strange and unfamiliar to me, but I enjoyed it (and I learned that bringing a bunch of one dollar bills to a drag show is an expectation).

Overall, the warm weather, combined with the ample social interaction and plenty of fun things to do has made me a happy girl this week! Though busy, April is probably the best month of the spring semester because there’s so many fun things to do!

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