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Classes for next Year « Expect the Exceptional

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Classes for next Year

So, this past week I got to register for my classes for next semester. First of all, I am taking both of my senior seminars next semester. That is Political Science and Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies. I am also working on the Honor’s for both of my majors next semester. On top of that, I am taking National Security, an Honors class on Children’s books, and Astronomy. The Honor’s class will fulfill my final requirement for Honor’s other than the the wrap up course in the Spring. Astronomy is filling my final general education credit, and National Security is just for fun. I am not positive if anything will change yet, but most likely it will not.

Thinking about senior seminar and graduating got me thinking a lot about the future. Grad school and so much else is approaching quickly. I am definitely excited for next year, but I know next semester is going to be really busy for me. Senior Seminar sounds frightening, but a lot of the people I have talked to have assured me that it is actually not too bad. I am expecting a lot of work, but I also cannot wait to get started and to learn a lot more about a topic that I get to pick in my Senior Seminar.

My first senior seminar, for Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, is with Carol Zaru. She is one of my favorite professors and I am looking forward to it. I have already picked my topic for my senior seminar for Carol. I am going to work on the role of women in the Arab World post Arab Spring. In regards to my honor’s in Arabic, I am working on the effect of music in the Arab World. For Political Science, Dr. Boukhars will determine the theme we will be working on, but then I will get to pick the specific topic within that them. As for my honor’s project, I am not sure where I will focus yet – do I want to branch out of my Middle Eastern bubble and focus on another part of the world or do I want to look at more of my interests within the Middle Eastern region? I do not know yet, but I do know that I am going to enjoy my semester.

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