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English major events galore! « Expect the Exceptional

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English major events galore!

The English department is busy this month, so it’s an exciting time to be an English major!

On Thursday, this year’s issue of McDaniel’s literary magazine, Contrast, was finally unveiled! Despite the fact that the magazine did not show up (the printer did not deliver the shipment in 48 hours as promised), the event was successful. Harrison House was full of students, professors, and even family members of those published. People read their published submissions as a slideshow of the issue’s artwork cycled behind them. There was also food–the brownies were delicious!

Last night, the English department, in conjunction with the Honors Program, hosted a literary masquerade. The whole campus was invited to come dressed as their favorite literary characters. I went as Hermione Granger, since I had a Gryffindor scarf left over from my archetypes and Harry Potter presentation. Some of my favorite costumes of the evening included Edgar Allan Poe, Queequeg (from Moby-Dick), Violet Beauregarde (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), and Nancy Drew.

There are still more fun English events to come!

This Tuesday, students from Dr. Kathy Mangan’s poetry class will be reading their poetry aloud at Carroll Arts Center. I’m hoping to go if I can find time and some friends to make the walk to the arts center with me.

This coming Monday, the English department, along with McDaniel’s Center for Experience and Opportunity (CEO) will host a panel of alumni discussing what they’ve done with their English degrees. I haven’t yet made up my mind as to what I’ll do once I graduate, so I’m looking forward to some insight and networking.

Next Tuesday, April 23, Shakespeare in the Square will take place in Red Square to honor the birthday of William Shakespeare. McDaniel’s improv troupe, Dangersauce, will perform a comedic version of a Shakespearean play, and other students will read or reenact works of Shakespeare of their choice. It should be fun, and I might try to find a sonnet of Shakespeare that I like to read aloud.

Having such an active English department makes me happy to be an English major at McDaniel!

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