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Starry Night Adventures « Expect the Exceptional

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Starry Night Adventures

As college students we try to keep up with what is going on in the world. This weekend there was a solar flare that made a rare opportunity for people to possibly see the Northern Lights. Since nothing else was going on, my friends and I decided to try and see them (despite the fact that it was predicted to happen later in the evening, around 1 a.m.)

Since there is plenty of light pollution from the college, a few friends and I piled into the car and headed out to the country. In Westminster there is plenty of country to go around, I know several people who own multiple horses and live on large farms. After about a ten minute drive we got out of the car somewhere near a bunch of fields, and we could see many more stars.

Although we did not get to see the Northern Lights, it was definitely worth the trip to go star gazing. Aside from the golf course there are not many places to see this many stars on campus. We found the big dipper and generally had a fantastic time looking at the sky without the light pollution. After about twenty minutes hanging out we all decided to go back home since it was cold, but it was a gorgeous twenty minutes. The nice thing about living with friends is that there are always opportunities to go on adventures, and last night was a beautiful one even if we didn’t see what we were looking for.

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