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Reactions on Campus to the Boston Bombings « Expect the Exceptional

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Reactions on Campus to the Boston Bombings

So, in Boston today, several bombs went off and a lot of people were injured at the marathon. It was really frightening because I have friends who live up there and go to school there and I also have been there multiple times in the last year. In light of this tragedy, I spent a decent chunk of my evening talking to people about what happened and seeing the different reactions to the event. It was a sad day for a lot of people, but it was inspiring to see the number of people who were offering well wishes and prayers.

I personally found out about this event from the posts on Facebook. I had been in class but soon after my class ended, posts started showing up from my friends at school offering well wishes to people in Boston. This led me to the New York Times where I found a lot more information on the tragic bombings. Some posts talked about reaching out to recent McDaniel graduates and friends that are from that area. Others simply were offering thoughts, prayers, well wishes, and a lot more. One student, Mehar Segal, said, “Stay safe in Boston guys. My thoughts to yeh,” and this sentiment was echoed by a lot of people. It was nice to see that not only was the campus very aware of this tragedy but they also were willing to reach out – in many cases to people they had never met.

Other students, who have family or friends in the Boston area, had friends quickly offering them support and a person to listen. It was reassuring to see just how quickly people reacted and to help each other out. There were also a lot of actual discussions about what people knew in Glar (our dining hall), in the language lab when I was at work, and a lot more. So, best wishes to everyone in the Boston area from the students here at McDaniel College and from me.

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