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What just happened in Annapolis?: In-field lectures at McDaniel « Expect the Exceptional

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What just happened in Annapolis?: In-field lectures at McDaniel

One really cool thing about college in general, and specifically about McDaniel, is the chances it provides for students to get first hand experience in whatever field they are involved in. Tonight that experience manifested itself in a chance to meet two Maryland Senators who came to McDaniel to talk about what happened in the most recent state legislative session that ended at the beginning of April.

For those who might not know what I’m referring to, each year for 90 days, the Maryland Delegates and Senators are in session passing bills and making laws for the state. Since that session just ended, and I’m lucky enough to be a political science minor and be in a State and Local Government class this semester, I got to hear first hand how the proceedings went.

The two senators Edward Kasemeyer (fun fact: McDaniel Grad in 1970 something) and Joseph Getty were very experienced and have each been in the Maryland Senate for a number of years and have been through multiple sessions. What was also cool was getting insider information on new laws that are being passed such as the raise in gas and alcohol taxes, as well as the passing of the gay marriage law in the previous session. One bill I didn’t even know was up for debate was an environmental conservancy bill that proposed a tax for a each square foot of impermeable surface on your property.

If you’re interested in government and law, definitely check out the Political Science Department. They do a good job of getting students in the field, not only with events like this one, but with paid and unpaid internships, field trips to Annapolis and Washington, and experienced professionals like Dr. Herbert Smith who even currently is a lobbyist in Annapolis and used to work as a campaign advisor for nominated politicians.

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