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A Very Alpha Sig Night at Bdubs « Expect the Exceptional

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A Very Alpha Sig Night at Bdubs

A while back I blogged about a philanthropy event that I organized for my fraternity at a local gaming place, Players. It was a huge success. Well tonight the Alpha Sigs hosted another fundraiser at my direction, a fundraising night at Bdubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) to help raise money for Relay for Life.

Typically money for Relay is raised by going door to door essentially asking your friends and neighbors for money. Since we live on a college campus, however, and only really have immediate access to our families, it is important to get creative. So I had the idea a while back to use a restaurant that’s popular on campus, like Bdubs, and see if they wouldn’t give me like 10 or 15% of the profits on a given night if I could rally the campus to come out and eat.

Well this is apparently a common thing for them. The manager set me up with a printable ticket format that said “Alpha Sigma Phi Relay for Life Fundraiser” and said that I would get 15% of whatever was sold as long as the customers presented that ticket (By the way, never miss an opportunity to get out there an build professional relations with business owners). So I printed out 1000 tickets and for the past few days my brothers and I have been standing outside of Glar (the dining hall) handing them out to everyone walking in, instructing them to go to Bdubs Thursday from 6-9 and help support our cause.

Well as you would imagine, by the third day, our peers were getting a little tired of us giving them tickets that they would likely throw away as soon they got out of sight. 6pm rolled around and I was worried people might not show up at all, but I was gladly surprised to find the exact opposite. There were McDaniel kids everywhere, taking up a large part of each section of the restaurant. Just goes to show you what impact a little bit of persistence and a good cause can have on a community. The good food doesn’t hurt either! I love my fraternity job!

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