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Crunch Time Returns « Expect the Exceptional

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Crunch Time Returns

So, it is approaching crunch time for the semester once again. People have all kinds of final papers and presentations coming due in the upcoming two or three weeks. I am at work tonight and I am starting work on my final paper for my foreign policy class and my international law and organization class as well. I also have shorter final papers for my other classes, but those are all less than 8 pages, so I am focusing on these two for now. For foreign policy, I am looking at the potential for population growth to cause issues for India. For International Law, I am looking at the Chemical Weapons Convention and its effectiveness in modern crises situations.

This week, I also have a lot of work to do with class readings and normal stuff like that, but it should be a fairly manageable workload. I do need to go back home to check on my mother throughout the week to make sure she is resting enough and also to help with the final touches of the remodeling projects. The remodeling is making this time of year a little busier than normal, but it is still definitely manageable. I also want to work on a few of my own projects, I want to do some research for the Middle Eastern region to facilitate my honor’s project next year and my senior seminars.

I also am spending some time relaxing with Lyssa, Mehar, and Dan tonight while I am working on my papers. Lyssa needed someone to help keep her on topic and study parties are also more fun than doing homework alone.

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