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A Celebration of a Famous Bill… « Expect the Exceptional

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A Celebration of a Famous Bill…

April 23rd, the birthday of Mr. Bill Shakespeare.

What better way to honor him than with cake, sonnets, and his plays!

Shakespeare in the Square is an event hosted every year by the English Department in Red Square to celebrate the literary works of Shakespeare. This year students and faculty gathered in the square to hear readings of his sonnets, watch scenes from his plays, and even listen to two seniors read an original sonnet. The creativity that brings Shakespeare’s pieces of work to life is what has kept it alive over the centuries.

And because the English department is never boring, we had our campus improv group, Dangersauce perform as well. They started off by interviewing our English professor, Dr. Wronski-Mayersak (our medievalist) about her life as a professor at McDaniel, her undergraduate career, and her life outside of school. From the information gained in the interview, they put together a series of improv scenes that epitomized her life. As always, the crowd was laughing and having a great time.

Overall it was a wonderful time being outside with all the other Shakespeare admirers applauding his work.

Happy Birthday, Bill!


Two seniors at the end of a reading from The Winter’s Tale when a character faces death by being chased (and we assumed eaten) by a bear. Really Shakespeare?! What’s the point of that!


The “ingredients” of   Dangersauce interviewing our professor of Shakespeare before the improv scenes begin.



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