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The Word on Everyone’s Mind…Final « Expect the Exceptional

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The Word on Everyone’s Mind…Final

This is the time in the semester when people start getting less sleep, drinking more coffee, and taking on more than they thought they would. A little less than a month away from the end of the semester and everyone is starting to wrap things up. This week seems to be comprised on final projects and presentations. For some, like me, there are group presentations and posters to show off to companies and organizations. For others, its Senior Capstone presentations. You can always tell when a senior is near the end of their project because their wardrobe becomes sweatpants and t-shirts, and the black circles appear under their eyes. You know when their presentation was because they pretty much disappear the next day to catch up on sleep and they return looking happier than ever.

Next week will be when final papers begin to be written. Long hours in the library and endless amounts of time searching online and in the library for the perfect resources. The week after that is the last week of classes. Course evaluations, final reviews, and last chances to turn work in all happen then in order for you to focus on the tests that lurk just around the corner.

Then there is finals week, when every student can be found in their room or in the library with a plethora of coffee cups and snacks surrounding their work space. It’s a time for us to remember everything we’ve learned in the last few months and prove to the teacher that we know what we are talking about. Some of the toughest challenges for college students happen at this time. The relief comes once all your stuff is packed up and you are off campus for the summer (it only lasts until you realize how much you already miss your friends).

This year, I get to stay on campus for Senior Week! I’ve heard it’s one of the most fun weeks of the spring semester, but only seniors are invited. I will be helping to run the events of the week so I can get a feel for what they are like so I can plan the Senior Week for my senior class next year. This is not only exciting for me because I get to plan an awesome week for my class, but also because I get to spend one more week with all the seniors that I have come to love over the years. It’ll be tough to let the Class of 2013 go, but the only thing keeping me from kidnapping them all is the fact that it will be my turn next year.

For now, I’m off to survive the rest of the semester and keep all my friends from going crazy. There may be a Disney Movie Night De-stresser in my near future.

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