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Field Trip! McDaniel has a farm? « Expect the Exceptional

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Field Trip! McDaniel has a farm?

It’s a rare occasion in college that you actually get to go on a class field trip-unless you’re in the Field Botany class. I hear from my friend in that this semester that everyday they get to go hiking somewhere different and plan on how to survive an Apocalypse by surviving the woods. How awesome does that sound?? Unfortunately I don’t quite have time to fit that class in before I graduate in a month. The other class that generally takes field trips are art history classes- they almost always go to an art museum or two once a semester.

Unfortunately, I am neither in Field Botany, nor an art history class this semester… but I am in Digital Photography! And today, we took a mini field trip ourselves- to McDaniel’s farm! McDaniel has a farm? Don’t worry. Every single person in our class asked that question as well, and apparently the answer is yes. It’s about a ten to fifteen minute drive down New Windsor Road, and there it lies, the lovely green farm. Faculty and staff from McDaniel can lease out the houses around it, but we were there for other more artsy purposes: photography! Essentially, after a bit of guidance, we were set loose and allowed to roam the property at will, explore bit of the wood or old barns that too our fancy and climbing up in trees for a good shot.

The field trip was so much fun that our car decided photography trips should be a weekly occurrence in our class. I’m not sure if our professor will go for that, but it’s a plan. I also really like just going off on my own while taking pictures- that way my shots are unique, unlike those that other people bring in. So while most people stayed in pairs or trios, I tended to drift off my myself seeking new and interesting things to photograph!


Here are some shots of the place we went:

A beautiful, tranquil spot in the woods

A beautiful, tranquil spot in the woods

The corn field, now covered in flowers

The corn field, now covered in flowers

All the trees were flowering

All the trees were flowering

The Pond

The Pond

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