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2013 April « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Fling

I just celebrated my last spring fling on campus, one of my favorite campus traditions.

Students generally go to bed early the night before to prepare themselves for the long day ahead. And end up passing out early after the exciting events.

Not only is the student body celebrating surviving another year, but we are […]

Crunch Time Returns

So, it is approaching crunch time for the semester once again. People have all kinds of final papers and presentations coming due in the upcoming two or three weeks. I am at work tonight and I am starting work on my final paper for my foreign policy class and my international law and organization class […]

Spring Fling 2013!

Every year the Office of Student Engagement throws a huge carnival for all the students a few weeks before the end of the semester. It’s a chance for us to relax and pretend to be kids again. This year was my third Spring Fling and by now I know exactly how to make the most […]

Finding Work

As a senior it is all well and good if you plan to go to graduate school. Many of my friends are getting acceptances from law school, physical therapy school, you name it. These are the folk everyone else envies as we try to find jobs and internships.

Senior year is overwhelming as it is. […]

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung and fling has flung… wait what am I talking about? Spring Fling! Every year we celebrate spring with a day of fun and joyous partying. It is lovely. I like to think of it as a last day off before I buckle down and do some hard work. It’s a great way […]