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Fire Dancers & Survivors: Senior Honors Banquet « Expect the Exceptional

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Fire Dancers & Survivors: Senior Honors Banquet

As the end of the semester keeps drawing closer, many departments, sports teams and honor societies are all having their end of the year banquets and dinners.  The Honors Program is not exception, and this past Sunday we had our “Senior Honors Banquet”… but it was a Banquet like no other…

Why you ask? First of all because it was only the honors seniors that were invited, meaning that pretty much all of our friends just got to have a nice dinner together. The whole evening was “Survivor” themed. Both in the sense of the show, and the idea that we had finally survived four years of vigorous academic requirements and were about to graduate at last! My friends on the honors exec board had planned out the evening and we had a nice little dinner of various refreshments and desserts- the swedish meatballs and the little baby cheesecakes where my favorite. After some welcoming remarks and some gift giving,  it was finally time for the Senior Superlatives. This was easily one of the funniest parts of the evening as people were elected “Most likely to win the Hunger Games” and “Most Likely to take over the world- using kindness.” I received “Most Likely to Achieve World Peace” so I must be doing something right! There were also some fantastic pictures of everyone and a great slideshow our President Catherine helped put together of us throughout our time at college.

It was a really fun time to reminisce… and to get henna tattoos! After all, what’s a party without a henna tattoo artist?? We all took our turns and got some lovely henna (yes even the guys, they were proud of it too) in between games and thank-yous.

But soon the grand moment had arrived. We were told there was to be a mysterious performance and were ushered into Red Square. Our surprise entertainment? Remember the henna tattoo artist? It turns out she is also…. a Fire Dancer! It was amazing. I don’t know if McDaniel has ever had anything quite so cool and unique in the middle of campus. She was twirling fire everywhere, eating it, having it lick greedily up her arms and all around embodying the song “Girl on Fire.” I was going crazy with my camera and got some truly spectacular pictures of her and the fire twisting through the evening air. We also soon attracted a small crowd, and people were watching from the library window and other nearby buildings. What a great way to end our Senior Honors Banquet and our senior year. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends than those I’ve made through the honors program.

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