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Tradition on the Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Tradition on the Hill

The end of every school year is filled with tradition. Each club or organization has their way of sending off the seniors and transferring power to the juniors. In my sorority at our last meeting, we do “pass downs.” This is a time when all the seniors come with as much Gamma Sig stuff as they want to give away to the rest of our chapter. There are a lot of memories and stories shared during this meeting. Many things are passed down to specific people. Some things are passed down through a family line. One of my favorite pass downs that I received that night was a banner with our letters on it and it says ‘WMC’ in the corner. This banner is from the Western Maryland College days and must be at least 10 or 11 years old. It has been passed down through my family and I will be happy to continue the tradition.

We also put together little gifts for the seniors to take with them into the real world. This year the executive board decided to put together individualized picture frames and a Gamma Sig shirt. Once a senior has given out all their pass downs, they say a few words about their time in Gamma Sig and then they receive their gift. Many of the little speeches made me tear up. Thinking about not having this class on campus anymore is something I’ve tried not to do. But I guess I have to come out of denial at some point, right?

So now I’m preparing to start my senior year and getting ready to be asked all of those ‘what are you doing after college?’ questions. I have a year to come up with answers and I’m hopeful that I’ll find a few. It is now time to buckle down in my classes and begin studying for finals. Wish me luck!

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