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Last Week of Classes « Expect the Exceptional

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Last Week of Classes

This week is the last week of classes. It is hard coming to terms with the fact that it is my last week as an undergraduate. Yesterday I had my last Monday! This is partially exciting, because Mondays are always difficult, but it still feels crazy to imagine that in a few short weeks I will no longer be a student. I’ve been a student for my entire life! At least as far back as I can remember.

People here are getting ready to take off for home or summer jobs, but it definitely feels different knowing I will be saying goodbye forever. Westminster is a nice college town but I doubt I will ever be back in the area again. This makes conversations with friends sort of sad, knowing that it may be the last time I ever see them.

It reminds me of when I was in high school. I went to a boarding school and formed strong connections with my peers through living with them. Despite these connections, we did not really keep in touch once I graduated. I know that as soon as I establish a new life and a new home that the memories and relationships I have from college will disappear. Mostly I am okay with that, I still look back fondly on my high school experience and think that I will feel the same way about college. It’s a scary time here at school, but I am ready to say my last goodbyes to this week of class and move on to the next chapter of my life.

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