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Sociology Posters « Expect the Exceptional

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Sociology Posters

This week we are presenting our Sociology final presentations for our capstone class. I am incredibly nervous, but also excited. The Sociology department works very hard to produce good research. In fact, last semester, we had to walk around randomly surveying the entire school. The process took several weeks, but it was worthwhile because Sociology posters have some of the most representative information on campus.

The posters are set up in the main campus building, and there is a formal presentation for an hour later today. Everyone’s research is about there interest, and varies from drinking, to studying, to marriage. My specific topic is about the relationship between ethnocentrism and homophobia.

The presentations are usually a lot of fun. People come and ask questions while eating delicious crab dip. It is incredible to think that I am finally wrapping up my entire experience for my major. I worked on this project for the entire semester, and I am proud to present my work this afternoon. The Sociology projects are hard work, but it is worthwhile. Now I have a great thing to show my potential employers, and also a final product from my time as a Sociology major.

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