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Finals Prep Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Finals Prep Time

So, this weekend I went to Phil’s house with Alyssa, Mehar, and Phil to have a quiet study location before finals, and also some home cooked food. Yesterday, Friday night, we mostly relaxed. We went swimming and tried to unwind for final paper’s week and all of the recent work in our classes. After swimming, we watched a movie (Interview with a Vampire) since I had not seen it before and then studied a little before going to bed.

Today, all of us got some shopping done to get us through finals week. We got some snack food, quick cook meals, and more. We went to the local crystal shop to get some jewelry supplies for Dan at school and to look and see if there was a good birthday gift for our friend Probie. I didn’t find anything there, but I have some ideas still. We also went by walmart to see about getting a going away gift for my house moderator, who returns to Palestine about a week after finals end.

Tonight, after studying for a while, we plan to play guild wars to relax, watch a little tv, and go for another swim. We have already spent several hours studying, so hopefully the break will be well deserved.

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