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Finals Begin « Expect the Exceptional

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Finals Begin

So finals started today, so the normal work and class schedule of the semester is officially over. My finals schedule is kinda busy – I have my first four finals today and tomorrow and then my last one is on Thursday. I already took the two finals for today. The first one was in the afternoon, my Foreign Policy exam. It was fairly easy since it was just two essays and I was finished relatively quickly. I had studied for that exam a lot during the weekend and I feel like I did very well. My second exam today was my Religion in Art and Egypt Exam. This exam was also fairly basic – 8 identifications and 2 essays. It was a little longer than my first exam but I also had a little less to say on the essays. Both exams went well and I am now reviewing for the 2 exams I have tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I have my Global Environmental Politics exam and my Al-Amia exam. My Amia exam includes a grade from my final project (a 10 minute video blog) and the written portion that we will do in class. The Global Environmental Politics exam is the same format as the midterm – multiple choice, fill in the blank, a few short answers, and four short essays. I am not worried about either exam because I have done well in the classes so far and I have studied for both already and will review more tonight.

My final exam is the one I need to study for the most – international law and organization. It is not a hard class, but there is a lot of course material to review for that exam. However, most of my studying will probably occur tomorrow night and Wednesday since after my afternoon exam tomorrow, that will be my only test.

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