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2013 May « Expect the Exceptional

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Finals Week Progression

I think one of my favorite things about finals week is to see how it progresses. The Saturday and Sunday before are technically our reading days. So everyone picks their spot in the library, the pub, or the coffee shop (or outside on a nice day) and gets serious about remembering all the information they […]

Halfway done!

On Wednesday, my second year of college was officially over! (Almost–I still had to turn in a paper for my Peer Tutoring course, but I did that on Friday.) This semester was intense; I took five classes and an independent study for a total of 20 credits, which made for a busy finals week–I had […]

Finals Begin

So finals started today, so the normal work and class schedule of the semester is officially over. My finals schedule is kinda busy – I have my first four finals today and tomorrow and then my last one is on Thursday. I already took the two finals for today. The first one was in the […]

Movie theaters near campus

This weekend, a friend and I went off campus and saw the new The Great Gatsby movie. It was a great break from studying for finals and we were both struck by the amazing costumes, crazy party scenes, and how perfectly Leonardo DiCaprio fit the role of Gatsby.

Source: http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/50d3273ceab8ea6a3700000b-960/the-great-gatsby-leonardo-dicaprio.jpg

Seeing the movie reminded […]

Allergy Season

One of the most difficult things about spring is allergies. If I could find a way for allergies to not exist, I would. They are painful and awful. I have noticed this spring, however, that far more people are struggling than I have ever seen before. People are sneezing, sniffling, and going through tissues at […]