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2013 June « Expect the Exceptional

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Chicken Tender Thursdays

The other night, a chain of thoughts led me to Chicken Tender Thursdays, and all of a sudden, I found myself missing my McDaniel friends more than normal and missing Glar food way more than normal.

While food at Glar, McDaniel’s dining hall, has improved substantially during my two years on campus and I have […]

Navigating McDaniel’s website: The Undergraduate Tab

If you’ve been busily researching colleges online, you’ve probably visited a lot of college websites. And quite frankly, some of those websites can be absolutely confusing. In the hopes of reducing any confusion you might encounter while exploring McDaniel’s website, mcdaniel.edu, here’s a breakdown of some of the sections you’ll find on the website and […]

Keeping things straight

A lot goes on at college–classes, club meetings, events, social time, and more–all contending with homework and studying. It all may seem like a lot and at times, it can be. Luckily, I’ve found that there are ways to keep everything straight and stay organized.


In high school, I relied a lot on my […]

Incoming first years can still take tours!

When you think of college tours, you probably think of something for students who are trying to choose a college, not students who have already enrolled in one.

However, if you’re a student who will be attending McDaniel in the fall, you may find that you want to come see McDaniel again over the summer […]

Your advisor is your professor

Last week when I was hanging out with a high school friend of mine, I brought up how I was looking forward to having my academic advisor as a professor again for the 20th Century British Literature class I’m taking this fall. I talked about how wonderful she is as an advisor, a teacher, and […]