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East, West, and a college that changes lives « Expect the Exceptional

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East, West, and a college that changes lives

Tomorrow, my family and I will embark on one last big trip before the school year starts. We’ll be flying from Philadelphia to San Francisco for a ten-day tour of California that will include stops in Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, Los Angeles, and Malibu.

While I’m in San Francisco, I’m hoping to meet up with a friend who I met online through my tumblr, English Major Humor, a blog I started in January during my Jan Term that I use to post fun and funny things related to books, reading, literature, grammar, libraries, and college in general.

The meetup is getting me thinking about how it would be cool to meet up with someone from McDaniel while I’m in California. Unfortunately though, none of my close McDaniel friends live there. However, you’d be surprised just how many people from the West Coast go to McDaniel. The first two Californians I met at McDaniel were a girl from my First Year Seminar class (who had never heard crickets chirp because she lived right in L.A.) and a girl who was my suitemate. I also came to meet McDaniel students from Portland and Seattle too.

A lot of people who live far away from Maryland, including my suitemate from California,  discover McDaniel from reading Colleges That Change Lives, a book that profiles 40 life-changing colleges, including McDaniel. The McDaniel profile is a good one, and it’s worth reading even if you get to visit the College a bunch of times or live 10 minutes away from it. I read the profile about a month before I started college (when I found myself with time on my hands in a Barnes and Noble). I compared it to profiles of other colleges I applied to that are also in the book, and I still felt that McDaniel was a great choice for me.

People from out west and all over the U.S. and even all over the world journey to the East Coast every year to attend McDaniel. For people to travel the distances they do to attend McDaniel says to me that there’s something very special about our school. I hope you can come and discover what it is for yourself.

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