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A Little Bit About Me: Dani « Expect the Exceptional

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A Little Bit About Me: Dani

Hello, ladies and gentleman. My name is Danielle Fatzinger, or Dani, and I’m a new McBlogger. Therefore, I thought I’d share a bit about myself so you know how certified I am to talk about McDaniel.

First of all, I don’t like these introduction-type things. It’s the same as going to an interview where someone says, “So, tell me about yourself.” There’s so much to say and yet nothing at all.

To start, I’m a sophomore English Major. I don’t have any minors yet, although I will add one or two, such as History or Writing. I take Chinese. I’m part of the McDaniel Free Press, our newspaper, as mainly a copy editor, although I want to write more articles this semester. I’m a member of the Honors Program. As long as everything goes as planned, I’ll be attending the University of Stirling in Scotland this summer for four classes as a study abroad experience.

Outside of schoolwork, I have a work study job at the Westminster Public Library that I do on weekends. Weekdays don’t work for me since I’m on our track team for both indoor and outdoor and have practice every day. You’ll be hearing about some things related to track and our gym thanks to the amount of time I spend there. Just in case you’re curious, my events are pole vault, shotput, javelin, discus, and possibly the steeplechase.

It might seem like my life is all about English and exercise, at least during the semester. I’m not going to lie; that’s a bit true. I do like to read and write or search exercises and track videos on Youtube in my free time, so those subjects are where I like to hang out. However, I have taken a history course and a math course, and I attend lectures on campus as well as events hosted by the Carroll County Public Library, such as one about Argo (the book and the movie) this past fall.

I tend to spend my time in my room, the gym, the Hill Hall computer lab, Glar (the dining hall), and the library.

I’m extremely happy with my life at this college, and I hope you will be, too. I also hope you enjoy reading my posts and learning about my life both on and off campus as well as McDaniel College itself.

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