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That Tingly Giving Feeling « Expect the Exceptional

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That Tingly Giving Feeling



Although sledding down the golf course is a huge thrill, and sipping soup in the dorms with friends is a blast, my favorite part of Christmas time on the Hill is giving presents. It is perfect because when you are getting a bit stressed from studying for finals, you just take a break and make a present for a friend. This year I had one of the best professors ever! I love mathematics so much, and I decided to take two classes at the same time. This semester was crazy difficult for me, but with help from my math professor, I survived it. He came in early almost everyday to answer my questions and help me. He offered extra review sessions for the class before tests. He was always willing to stop what he was doing in his office to make time to help me.

When I was taking a break from studying, I realized that I was super appreciative of everything he had done, and so I decided to do something special for him. In other departments, teachers have tons of decorations on their doors which tell you about them. Walking past the English professors’ doors is like getting a literature lesson and becoming a better person. In the Mathematics/Computer Science department, only one door was decorated fully, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I, along with help from my Calculus buddy, made some decorations for his door. It was his Christmas gift and simultaneously a great way to bring some Christmas cheer to Finals Week. It was a great success, and he loved it. It was awesome to have something that made you smile as you walked by. It was nice to be able to make people’s day and my own too! Thus, my favorite part of Christmas time at McDaniel is getting that tingly giving feeling before heading home for break!

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