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Allow me to reintroduce myself « Expect the Exceptional

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Allow me to reintroduce myself

Hi, y’all! I’m Amber, a senior studying English and Spanish with a minor in Writing. I’ve been writing on the blog for the past two years, and I’m excited to start up again during my last semester as I flop around trying to figure out what to do come the end of May.

Myself featuring some goat friends


You’ll catch me blogging about: being physically active in college, all things English related, writing and language clubs, apartment living, cooking, travel, campus events, tutoring

My campus involvement: I just finished my fourth season of cross country and am training for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in April. In terms of clubs, I’m the News Editor for the McDaniel Free Press, Co-Editor of Contrast Literary Magazine, and Co-President of Palabras to Words, McDaniel’s TESOL tutoring club. I also work in our Writing Center as a Peer Tutor.

International/travel experience: As a Spanish major, I lived in Costa Rica for a semester during my sophomore year. While there, I lived with a host family, took several Spanish language classes as well as a class in English about alternative medicine, volunteered at an orphanage, and went to the beach almost every weekend for four months. As part of the Jan Term element of the McDaniel Plan, I  traveled to California my freshman year to study countercultures and Beat Poetry and am about to go on a trip to France, Austria and Budapest with the Travel Writing Across Europe class. You can follow our blog here!

Other tidbits: I am a vegetarian and always down to talk about maintaining health while in college. I’m also a Westminster townie, having lived in the area since I was five. If you have questions about the area surrounding the college, let me know!

Feel free to comment with questions/comments/hilarious jokes, and I look forward to sharing the coming semester with you!

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