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The Best of Fall 2013: « Expect the Exceptional

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The Best of Fall 2013:

I know some others have done a “2013 in review,” but I’m going to join in the fun and share my good experiences from the past semester.

Conversations with Visiting Professors: Last semester, two English professors, Dr. Marjorie Garber and Dr. Carolyn Dinshaw, gave lectures on campus. I went to both. I also had the honors of having lunch with Dr. Garber as well as joining many professors for dinner at the President’s House before Dr. Dinshaw’s lecture, and having Dr. Dinshaw come to my Chaucer class the next day. It’s really neat to meet people that are famous within their field.

Cross Country: I’ve never participated in cross country, but this year I did in order to train for track. I’m not going to lie; it was difficult. I’m in no way used to distance running. However, it was a fun experience and I met new friends, and now I run faster than I ever have before. I stopped training so much the second half of the semester since I was using practices to train for my field events, but I plan to run for distance more often this coming semester so I don’t lose everything I gained while I trained before.

Off Days=Fun Times: Last semester we had some difficulties and a blackout, and I took full advantage of it. My roommate, my friend, and I went out and got glowsticks, which we played with in the dark before bed. It was a perfect time to reduce stress and relax for a while, and that’s exactly what we did. Before it got dark, my friend and I also played in the leaves. There was a lot of snow later in the semester, as well, which was fun to make snow angels and run around in.

Website Design: I took the Multimedia Authoring class, which was a lot of fun. The last thing we did was learn website design, and I definitely enjoyed that. It was amazing to see lines of HTML and CSS transform into pictures and words and everything in the right place, tied together in a nice design. It made me feel extremely powerful to see myself design it, and I definitely suggest taking it if you’re interested in multimedia things, such as videos, Photoshop, and website design.

That’s all I have for today. I hope you all have a Happy New Year!

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