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A delay and a snow day « Expect the Exceptional

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A delay and a snow day

Snow and other winter weather has had a huge impact on my travel plans this year. Since I have a car on campus, the first year I’ve had that luxury, I had to plan extra carefully when driving myself home for Thanksgiving and winter breaks–I had to leave campus later than I wanted for Thanksgiving and earlier than I wanted for Christmas just to get home safely. Fortunately, I was able to arrive home safe and sound in both cases.

Be it snow or something else, my travel plans have been impacted by forces beyond my control yet again. After 9:00 this morning, I got out of bed with the intention of leaving for Dulles International Airport in D.C. at 10 so I could embark on my Travel Writing Across Europe Jan Term. However, within five minutes of getting up to begin my day, I discovered that I had received an email saying that my flight had been delayed from its scheduled 6:55 p.m. takeoff to 1 a.m. Not. Fun.

But I quickly made things fun. My sister who is still in high school had a snow day today, and my brother, a freshman in college, is also still on break, so I was able to squeeze in even more quality time with my siblings than I had anticipated. And I got to watch my corgi Lily play in the snow, something that is always delightful.

My flight’s been pushed back again to 2:15 a.m. now, but I’m about to take off to Dulles. Here’s to no more delays and safe travels!


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