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Psychology Research Opportunities « Expect the Exceptional

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Psychology Research Opportunities

As you guys all know from my “all about me” blog, I am a psychology major. I find it very interesting and you learn many different aspects of psychology. I was lucky enough to participate in a research project with a professor this past semester! Dr. Morris approached me and another student over the summer and asked if we would like to assist her with this project. Of course I accepted, because it was a great opportunity! Indeed, it turned out to be an amazing experience and I learned a whole other side of psychology. Dr. Morris received data from a research project her friend from UNC had conducted. It was a series of questions for rectal cancer patients and the last question was an opened ended comment section asking about potential harms or benefits from the treatment options. Our job was to turn that qualitative data into quantitative data: in other words, turn it into numbers. We spent all semester coding each question, analyzing the data on SPSS, conducting correlations, and finding common themes. We were successful at finding some connections, so if the researcher at UNC decides to use what we found and publish something, our names will also be published! It is an opportunity I would have never had if it was not for being a psychology major and I know several of the professors look for students to help them out with research. We are fortunate to have wonderful professors who are willing to work with their students and I am thankful Dr. Morris asked me! Just wanted to share another great aspect about the psychology department! Hope your 2014 is still going well! 🙂

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