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Back from Europe! « Expect the Exceptional

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Back from Europe!

Getting back from Europe is exhausting, especially when that trip to Europe in itself was exhausting! But even though my sleep schedule is a little out of whack at the moment, it was all worth it! I had a fabulous 11 days in Europe with a fabulous group of people. I got figurative and literal tastes of Normandy, Paris, Vienna, and Budapest. And I’ve collected a variety of experiences, many of which have been floating through my brain over the past couple of days, trying to make a lasting impact.

Once I feel a bit more lively again and some memories start to stand out, I’ll spend the next week of my life writing short blog posts about my trip on our class’s travel writing blogs in addition to writing a longer five-page paper about some aspect of my trip–for that paper, I’ve already decided that I’ll write about our last evening in Paris, one of my favorite evenings of the entire trip.

And then, before I know it, I’ll be back at McDaniel for another spring semester, hopefully ready to tackle courses in memoir, linguistics, and Shakespeare!

For now, let me leave you with this beautiful sunrise. In Normandy, for whatever reason, the sun doesn’t rise until sometime during the 8 o’clock hour, much later than I would have imagined for France. But I can’t complain–while it was tough to wake up and have things still be dark, it was stunning to be awake for such beauty. France may be an ocean away from McDaniel, but driving through the wooded fields on this colorful morning made it seem like I was at home in lovely southeastern Pennsylvania. And it was magical.  IMG_4740

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