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Having Actual Time Off « Expect the Exceptional

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Having Actual Time Off

Hi guys,

Hopefully you’re having an amazing winter break. Hopefully it’s not filled with work or study. I’m doing a JanTerm class this year, so I’ve been back on campus for almost two weeks now, but for my three weeks off, I had ltierally no obligations.

It was kind of weird, to be honest. After my sophomore year of high school, I got two jobs. Though I absolutely adored them, they kind of ate up my time—even in summer, I had to make sure I was up early in order to get to work in time. The summer after junior year, I was also worrying about college apps, and during winter breaks, I had AP classes to study for. This winter break saw me back in California for three weeks that were truly a break.

I spent a lot of time catching up with my friends from my life in San Francisco. I was involved in the Junior State of America (JSA) throughout high school, so I have a lot of friends from all across NorCal that I’ve been seeing as well as friends from high school. It was really weird seeing how people have changed and looking at myself in comparison. It was also kind of weird in a fantastic way looking at how close I’ve gotten with my fellow McDaniel students. I’ve been Skyping with some of them because I miss them so much—it’s funny how close you get to people when you have to put up with their endearing quirks all the time.

I went through one adventure in shipping failures–I went shopping online for textbooks and for my little sister’s Christmas present. I ended up failing completely. My default Amazon shipping address is to home in California, and I forgot to change it to Maryland for the textbooks—I didn’t want to have to lug them back in my suitcase. However, I then remembered that I set up an automatic forwarding for my Californian mail to go to McDaniel in Maryland. But then I realized this would also forward my sister’s Christmas present. Then I realized that my textbooks were coming via FedEx, and would not be forwarded, but my sister’s present still would be as it was coming through USPS. So my textbooks were supposed to arrive in CA while my sister’s present went to MD. What a nightmare… Thankfully, my textbooks hit some rough weather and I had to reorder them, so that worked out. And either way, I was actually excited to get my text books. I’m taking Memoir Writing, and I’m dying to get my hands on a few of the books we’re going to be reading. My books for US Foreign Policy also look super interesting, though they’ll probably be a lot denser.

I found myself missing campus here—mainly having my friends around me. I absolutely adore San Francisco and the people I meet here, but at night, I found myself wanting to head over to Whiteford to see who’s still up and wants to hang out. But it was still nice to spend time with my beloved family (namely, my cats!) and to drink beautiful San Franciscan water.

I do hope your holidays are treating you well!


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