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The McDaniel Plan: A Lifesaver « Expect the Exceptional

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The McDaniel Plan: A Lifesaver

From what I have gathered from my friends who go to other schools, their general education requirements seem to get them down. You have to take certain classes, and these courses seem to just get in the way of what they really want to do. Here at McDaniel, we have requirements, but they give you the freedom to choose courses that suit you as a person. It forces you to take interesting classes that you would not have taken in your major. It really opens up your world and broadens your mind to new ideas. The McDaniel Plan is a genius plan because it gives students freedom while still making sure they acquire certain skills. At McDaniel, we realize that students are unique and that we have different interests. The McDaniel Plan caters to the uniqueness of McDaniel students while still forcing them to come out of their comfort zone.

One of the main reasons I love the McDaniel Plan so much is because it led me to take College Choir. All throughout my life, I have sung in choir. Whether it was at church or school, I was in every choir I could find. However, I had not really planned on taking choir from more than four semesters. I had just planned on fulfilling the McDaniel Plan’s four credits for Creative Expression and then leaving it behind. Fortunately, I came to the conclusion that I could never leave choir. It is the best class I decided to take. It keeps me sane. Whenever I am stressed, I feel relieved to be in the alto section next to my friends. It’s like no matter what is wrong with the day or that week, in choir, you just start to feel better.  I think that is really what the McDaniel Plan is about. It let’s you taste different subjects, and you find out what you love. For me, what started out as a McDaniel Plan requirement made me realize that music and singing are what I love. It is most definitely a lifesaver for me.

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