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Broadening my Horizons « Expect the Exceptional

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Broadening my Horizons

Part of being a Global Fellow is taking more than the required amount of international courses at McDaniel. Last semester I took one of the best classes ever: Asian Philosophy. In middle school, I had learned a little bit about Eastern religions like Buddhism and Confucianism. In high school, I learned about the world in terms of wars, but this class at McDaniel taught me so much more about Asian philosophies. I learned how Buddha became Buddha and about cool bodhisattvas like Kuan Yin whose job is to listen to the cries of the world. Our professor also made really intriguing connections between Christianity and Buddhism. We explored the wonders of yin-yang and how Daoists and Confucianists view yin-yang differently. Our project on Hinduism really pushed me to understand the different aspects of Hinduism. I also now know that yoga is much harder than it looks.

This was one of the best classes I have had because our teacher was very eclectic. She is Korean, but she was raised Christian. However, she is really a mix of all types of religions. Her beliefs are very intricate and interesting. I enjoyed hearing her stories at the beginning of class, and it was nice to hear her personal as well as expert opinions on the different philosophies. Our class discussions were very interesting as we debated our different views and why we thought that way. Now when I hear words like Buddhism or Daoism, I can have a quality conversation about them. This class was really helpful because it allowed me to connect with other people in a philosophical way. I now understand more about Asian cultures and ways of thinking. It has opened up my world in more ways than one. I cannot wait to learn even more through the Global Fellows program.

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