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Sports Support on the Hill (GO BRONCOS!) « Expect the Exceptional

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Sports Support on the Hill (GO BRONCOS!)

In light of my Broncos big win today to head to the Super Bowl, I thought I would talk about seeing the study body support their favorite teams. Being a big sports fan, it is really fun to see all the different teams and sports represented on the Hill. During football season, you can guarantee you will see a variety of jerseys on Football Sunday. It is interesting to see who is wearing what jersey and why. Are they supporting their home team or a favorite player? The slight act of wearing a jersey allows you to learn a little something about your fellow students. It can also create bonds and friendships. I have several people on campus who hassle me for being a Broncos fan…you can only imagine the amount of text messages I received when the Ravens beat the Broncos in the playoffs last year, since the Ravens are the McDaniel favorite. It is all in good fun, though, and it adds to what I love about the McDaniel environment. So if you are thinking of coming to McDaniel, no matter where you are from, do not be afraid to wear your team gear with pride! And if your NFL team is not the Seahawks…cheer for the Broncos on February 2nd!! 🙂

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