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My Airport Adventures « Expect the Exceptional

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My Airport Adventures

One of the most difficult parts of going to school across the country is that you have to get home and back. First, I want to say that from my airport, I have never taken a direct flight because I want whatever will get me where I need to go at the cheapest price. As you know, switching planes can be a dangerous game because if one is late, it will offset the other causing missed flights which is what happened on my way home. The pilot was late by an hour, so I got to spend the night in Arizona. While in the Phoenix Airport, I went through 5-7 episodes of my Spanish soap opera and met an interesting guy. Sleeping at the airport is not something I recommend, but you have to do what you have to do.

The semester starts tomorrow, so I made my way back yesterday morning. I really did not want to leave because I will miss my family, but at the same time, it is time to get this show on a roll.  Yesterday was the day of crazy mishaps. The alarms did not go off, but thanks to the wonderful women at the airport, I got through much faster than I would have otherwise and made it with enough time to use the restroom. Now, I, of course, forgot to check-in early, so I got the last couple of seats on the flight, but there was always enough of bin space for my tote. I slept like a baby on the plane and had no problems reaching my connection.

On the next plane, I let my imagination run wild. I sat next to a disgruntled man on my right and a sick, sniffling man on my left who looked like Walter White from Breaking Bad at certain angles. Mr. Almost Walter White was wearing an orange/yellow rubber band bracelet which struck me as odd. I wondered who made it for him. Maybe he has kids or has a girlfriend who is far away and she made it for him so he would think of her. I began to spin wild tales about his life while he sat next to me watching TV. After his story was completed in my head, I broke out a good book before deciding to sleep more.

I got off the plane in record time contemplating getting some food, but I was eager to get to the hotel and get some work done. As soon as I arrived at baggage claim, it hit me; I FORGOT MY KEYS! They were in my room, sitting in a bag, in CALIFORNIA!! My mom said she would overnight them to the school, but they won’t get there until Monday so until then I will be at the mercy of my roommate. Crisis adverted, kind of. Then, I sat at the carousel to get my luggage, and it felt like I was there for an eternity. My bag came off as one of the last ones I believe, but of course, I only got one of them. The bright pink one has yet to turn up which has all my clothes in it. At this point, I am ready to cry like a baby, and I do once I get to the hotel. All the stress from the airport and changes in my life came together into a three minute crying session.

Even though I knew everything was going to work and already has, it felt nice to let it out. I began to doubt my school choice. I wondered why I decided to leave California for the snowy desolation of Maryland. I was wondering why I left my family and friends for airports, dorm food, and stress. Then I remembered all of the wonderful things I love about McDaniel. I thought about my awesome friends that I have, my love of the McDaniel community, and all the exciting things that this semester holds in store. At that moment, even thinking about everything that had happened, it was all worth it to get back to McDaniel. I am now stronger, better and ready to rock this semester out! Watch out McDaniel! Morgan is back!

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