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Working Out – No Gym Necessary « Expect the Exceptional

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Working Out – No Gym Necessary

Hi guys.

So now that I am a “retired” soccer player since my fall senior season is done, I have been figuring out exercising without off-season workout packets. I also know that it is difficult to get a gym membership during Jan term or other breaks. Luckily, I made a great discovery over this break that I thought I would share with you. I enjoy running, but it can get old and I am not the biggest fan of treadmills when it is cold. So I started looking on YouTube for workout videos and I stumbled across a great channel called FitnessBlender. They have a variety of workouts at all different lengths. If you want a long cardio workout, they have it. If you want a quick ab workout, they have it. They have kickboxing videos, yoga, and several various styles of circuits. It is awesome and I became obsessed with them! It was a perfect find for being home without a gym membership, but they could easily be done in your dorm room at school. I plan on integrating them into my workout, along with going to our amazing gym here at McDaniel.

Here is an example of one of the videos:


So check it out if you are interested! I really think there is a video for everyone!

Enjoy 🙂 -Sam

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