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About Me: Steph Glassick « Expect the Exceptional

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About Me: Steph Glassick

Hello Everyone,

Sorry it has taken me SOOO long to post something! I have been wrapped up in my Jan Term class and getting my last semester started.

To start I’ll tell you all a little about myself.

I am Steph Glassick, a senior here at McDaniel College. I am from West Hills, California which is in the San Fernando Valley just outside of Los Angeles.  I LOVE being from a big city (or suburb) depending on how you look at it but I am enjoying my time here on The Hill. Soon I will write about some major difference between the West Coast  and the East Coast and how I handle being so far from home, especially my family and friends.

Come May I will graduate with my Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and Physical Education with a minor in Psychology. I plan to take a gap year then return to graduate school for Physical Therapy. Exercise Science is a popular degree to get here at McDaniel. There are several fields you can enter into once you have graduated. My classes are always interesting, interactive, and rather enjoyable.

Another major part of my life here at McDaniel would be participating on the Womens Soccer Team. Although I was unable to play this past year I still enjoyed my time with the team and have made life long friends through soccer. (Don’t worry, if you don’t plan on playing a sport there are many other ways to make friends here on the Hill!)

Lastly, I wanted to briefly talk about my study abroad experience. I could write for days about this (so plan to see a few more blogs about it). I went to Budapest, Hungary, where many of the study abroad students go. I traveled to over six different countries and over 10 different cities. I made life long friends in other countries as well as ones who came from McDaniel College. I called Budapest my home for five months and can not wait to go back. I can honestly say that it was one of the best life experiences I had and I will forever have memories from it.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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